News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

New Meeting Added To County Legislative Agenda For Wednesday 4/21


Allegany County announced that the Personnel Committee will meet tomorrow, 4/21/21, immediately following the Ways and Means Committee meeting. Both committees will address a request from the Real Tax Property Services to hire a new technician.

Here is the job description in question:

“Director of Real Property Tax Services Joe Budinger is requesting permission to create the position of Tax Map Technician Trainee (AFSCME, Grade 12, Step: Base – Step 7). This position is responsible for the creation of tax maps, shape files, and oversight of all mapping regulations and procedures. The hourly rate of this position is estimated between $19.25 and $23.22 and is funded 100 percent with County Funds”.

The reason for this new position is due to a pending retirement and will actually reduce the department payroll.

” The Department Real Property Tax Services will be experiencing a retirement of our Senior
Tax Map Supervisor as well as extended time off of our current Tax Map Technician.
Unfortunately, this leaves our department without a tax mapper. Given the highly specific
and technical nature of the job, we request the ability to create a tax map trainee. This
position would be effective for one year until promoted to tax map technician”.

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