News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Four County Legislative Committee Meetings on Wednesday 4/21/21: Agendas


The Budget, Resource Management, Ways and Means, and Planning/Economic Development committees will meet this Wednesday. All meetings are live streamed at /alleganycountyny/

April 21, 2021

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes from March 17, 2021
  1. County Treasurer Terri Ross
  • Sales Tax Report
  • Revenue Report
  • Expense Reports
  • Community College 2020 Report
  • Department Budget Reports
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. Good of the Order
  4. Adjournment

April 21, 2021

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  • March 17, 2021
  1. Scott Torrey, Soil & Water Conservation Executive Director
  • Monthly Report
  1. Brian Perkins, Youth Bureau Director
  • Monthly Report
  • Approval of Resource Allocation Plan
  • Acceptance and Appropriation of 2020 Youth Development Program Funds
  1. Laura Hunsberger, Cooperative Extension
  • Monthly Report
  1. Local Law Authorizing 12 and 13-Year Old Individuals to Hunt
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Good of the Order
  5. Adjournment

April 21, 2021

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  • March 17, 2021
  1. Reita Sobeck-Lynch, Employment & Training Director
  • Monthly Report
  • Request to Fill Senior Employment & Training Counselor
  • Request to Fill Summer Youth Counselor
  1. H. Kier Dirlam, Planning Director
  • Monthly Report
  • C-Pace Municipal Agreement
  1. Gretchen Hanchett, GACCC Executive Director
  • Monthly Report
  1. Craig Clark, Economic Development/ Industrial Development Agency
  • Monthly Report
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. Good of the Order
  4. Adjournment

April 21, 2021

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  • April 12, 2021
  1. Brenda Rigby Riehle, Clerk of the Board
  • Mortgage Tax Apportionment
  • Mortgage Tax Apportionment – Rebate to Towns and Villages
  1. Joe Budinger, Real Property Tax Director
  • Request to Fill Senior Tax Map Technician and All Subsequent Positions Including Hiring
    from the Outside
  • Tax Bill Correction
  1. Carissa Knapp, County Administrator
  • Request to Accept Edelweiss Dairy, LLC’s Bid to Lease County-owned Land
  1. Jeff Donigan, County Attorney
  • Approval of Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Social Services
  • Request to Fill Third Assistant County Attorney
  • Request for an Amendment to the Section IV Salary Plan
  1. Terri Ross, County Treasurer
  • Request to Fill Account Clerk Typist
  1. Keith Hooker, IT Director
  • Approval of Verkada Quote
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. Good of the Order
  4. Adjournment
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