Since 2005 the Southern Tier Biennial has showcased the vitality and and diversity of visual art in the nine counties compromising the Southern Tier of New York.

The 2021 showcase will be September 25th, through November 6th at the Tri-County Art Council Arts Gallery, 110 W. State Street in Olean NY.
$3000 Best of Show Prize includes $1000 cash and $2000 stipend for a solo show in 2022.
Jurors Choice Prize is $750 cash, and three Honorable Mentions will be awarded at $500 each. All accepted entries receive a $175 stipend for a solo show.
Its $25 to submit artwork for the showcase, to sign up visit: SouthernTierBiennial
For more information call 716 372 7455 or email info@SouthernTierBiennial