News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Covid 19 Roundup For Tuesday 3/30/21


Jones Memorial Hospital Has Vaccines For Anyone Over 30 Years of Age

Allegany County Covid 19 data shows daily positive test results in the single digits with one new case reported yesterday. Cattaraugus County has reported some more alarming data yesterday, forty-four new cases, the highest number in over two months. Steuben County reports that since Friday March 26th, fifty-nine residents have tested positive for the virus.

Nationally scientists warn of a fourth surge in cases happening amidst a national vaccine effort. Northern parts of the nation like Michigan, Minnesota, and much of New England are watching positivity rates return to pre-Christmas levels. As older Americans get vaccinated and new variants of the virus emerge, younger people are becoming more vulnerable.

New York has just changed the guidelines for vaccination to include anyone 30 years of age or older. You can register for a vaccine with the Allegany County Health Department, Click Here. Jones Memorial Hospital will also be holding two vaccination clinics this week, Call 585 596 4028 for more information.

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