Allegany County Employment & Training is designed to provide a range of services to both job seekers and employers with a mission to, “Strengthen workers by building quality relationships, fostering open communication, and providing the training, tools and resources to create empowered and effective professionals.”
Services to job seekers:
- Provide up to date job listings in our local area as well as statewide and nationwide
- Make employment information and resources available to all of our customers
- Assist our customers with resume writing, job search & interviewing skills
- Refer you to our partners to assist in meeting your education, employment and training needs
- Provide current civil service announcements for local, state and federal jobs
- Daily newspaper employment want ads
- Work with local businesses for their hiring needs
- Resource library
- Computers/Fax/copy/scan machine and telephone use for job seeking services
- Assessment of job seeking skills and development of strategies to use in looking for work
- TABE testing
- Youth Services
- Education & Training Services
Services to businesses:
- Career Fairs/custom recruiting
- Process your applications
- Job Postings (in-office, Facebook, NYS Job Bank)
- Interviewing area with access to computers, printer, copy machine and phone
- TABE testing for math and reading
- Work Experience Program and Summer Youth Program