From Dan Acton, Supervisor
A small group of community members zoomed into the monthly meeting of the town board. One of the first items to come before the board was a discussion of the building/zoning permit. The planning board submitted a proposal to include language concerning a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) and when it would be required. In the ensuing discussion was suggested that we expand the permit application to be as helpful as possible to persons requesting a building permit. Chairperson Bill Dailey volunteered to take the issue back to the planning board and make some helpful additions to the form.
Our town clerk Jan Burdick who also serves as tax collector and bookkeeper recently announced her intention to retire in July of this year. About this same time the Office of the State Comptroller made it clear that they do not want the positions of clerk and bookkeeper held by the same person. In our town these positions have been combined since the 1980s. Nevertheless, it was made clear that we now need to separate these positions. This led the board to investigate employing a part-time bookkeeper and a part-time clerk/tax collector. Many towns now use an outside bookkeeping service, and our investigation of bookkeeping service providers is ongoing. As for a part-time clerk/tax collector Jan indicated she would be willing to stay on in a part-time position to ease the transition. The board was delighted to hear this and we are now in the process of working out how to transition to this new arrangement.
Lastly community resident Andrew Bieler was in attendance and said he wants to clean up old cemeteries in the town. The board stated we would get the information about these to him so he could move on with his project.
Complete minutes at townofalfred.com