News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melissa Scott

The Golden Crone: A Blessing or Bane?


The Weeping Willow (Salyx Babylonica), can grow up to 82’, spread 35’ and live for up to 75 years.  Throughout their lifetime they grow a strong network or roots that stretch in search of water. They protect waterways and wetlands from erosion, create habitats for aquatic creatures, even make their own growth hormone that not only promotes their own growth, but boosts plants around them!

These wispy giants have been considered sacred by various cultures. If you’ve ever been a country kid floating among the Willow’s tendrils through dappled sunlight in a cold river on a hot day, you need no explanation of why they are so beloved. When the lifespan of a Willow has run its course it may collapse into the water with which it shared it’s life. This is no end.  Roots will spring almost immediately on the slender branches. A grove of Willows may originate from just one tree.

Of Course if you’ve ever fallen prey to bad landscaping advice you’ll know that the Willow’s perfect ability to seek out water can be a monstrously destructive force! The same roots that secure the earth along a rushing river will find a way into your home’s foundation;and pvc is no match for their steadfast determination! If you value free flowing drains and uncompromised basement walls you’ll plant these majestic beauties in a place where their natural assets serve them, and the environment best; far, far away from your dwelling!

If you are fortunate enough to know of a grove of Willows, go visit them. Let the silvery leaves brush your skin as they sweep down to drag against a rambling stream or ripple a quiet pond. Rest yourself against a sturdy trunk and allow the Dreaming Tree show you how to thrive.

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