News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Northern Lights over Genesee PA, by Kristine Smith

Great Sunset on Wellsville


“Sun Pillar” dominates the western sky tonight over 14895

Thanks to all who were very concerned about my getting a federal tax ID number!! I did finally get the IRS on the phone and this is not a joke: They were fabulous, super helpful, and like all of us, worn thin. So you will be pleased that I will be soon able to start begging for online support for this project 🙂

Other new business operations today included talking with several potential advertising clients. This site will depend on advertising dollars to survive but the understanding is one of reciprocity. Our advertising will start slowly and focus on how to deliver value to a limited number of customers. If you are interested in getting on the bus early please get in touch this week so we can get started. Email is the best way to start the conversation :

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Public Notice for the Town of Wellsville

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Wellsville’s Finest, Catching up with Brad O’Connor

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