News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

The Birds! American Robins in Wellsville


You may have noticed, how could you not! Flocks of these iconic thrushes have been wintering in Wellsville like never before. While Wellsville is in the wintering range, rarely do more than a few ‘river robins’ hang around. On East State Street this morning hundreds congregated on the roadside culverts, exploding in flight as cars passed.

All along the edge of the Genesee River, robins take positions and fish for food. The site almost looks like a miniaturized trout derby, each angler spaced accordingly, some more territorial than others. This fisherman/woman above seems to be reflecting on life as they wait for a bite. Isn’t that what humans love about fishing?

Wellsville is a bird lover’s paradise in any season. Our yearly bald eagle residents soar over the village and are raising successful broods every year now. Ospreys will be arriving soon to build nests and fight for territory from their larger cousins. Waterfowl populations and variety have never been more amazing with sightings of rare visitors like redheads, pintails, goldeneyes, and all three indigenous mergansers.

The songbird migration will begin in about a month bringing over a hundred new species to town. Are you birdwatcher? Send us your pictures or stories this year!!

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