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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Wellsville High School Class of 1964 still celebrating and giving back after 60 years


Pictured: Connie (Gaus) Walker, Jackie Comstock and Ann Comstock (Museum), Sue (Fogle) Williams Ed Riley, Gail (Moscardini) Childs, Kathleen Manion, Ron Washburn, John Childs, HR Coulter, Terry Engelder, Jon Gardner, Walt Weirich

From the Class of 1964,

The Class of 1964 held its class reunion in Wellsville on August 2, 3 and 4 2024 to celebrate and reminisce 60 years after graduating from Wellsville High School. When the Planning Committee began making plans for the reunion, there was no money to rent rooms, pay for food or any other expenses.  A plea went out to classmates for donations to get the ball rolling. The Class of 1964 went above and beyond since they not only funded their weekend activities, but they had excess funds when their reunion weekend was over.

On behalf of the 150+ classmates that graduated on June 22, 1964, ten members of the Class of 1964 presented a $350 check to the Nathaniel Dike Museum. The Thelma Rogers Historical Genealogical Society operates within the Museum. Joyce Rogers King is a member of the Class of 1964 and is the daughter of Thelma Rogers. Excess funds following the 60th Reunion were donated to the Museum to not only support the museum but also as a nod to their classmate Joyce who has been the Class of 1964 representative for many years.

 The Class of 1964 also supported the Wellsville community by purchasing a granite paver for the Community Clock Project to memorialize their 60th Class Reunion.
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