News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Wellsville first responders recognized at annual dinner, see the photos


From the WVAC, pictured are 40 year veterans Brian Smith and Dan Schnable

This evening the Wellsville Volunteer Ambulance Corps held our annual banquet and awards ceremony. Awards Presented Include:

Years of Service Awards:

5 Years:

Emily Spinks

Corey Joyce

10 Years:

Mike Lutz

20 Years:

Brandon Scott

40 Years:

Brian Smith

Dan Schnable

Chester Weaver Memorial Member of the Year Award: Greg Taylor

Christopher Eldridge Memorial Chiefs Award: Anthony Montel Guyot

The agency was also fortunate enough to give out CPR Save Awards to 2 crews as well as a Stork Pin for a successful pre hospital delivery.

The agency continues to have crews on standby tonight to handle calls in our district while members enjoy the evening celebrating accomplishments and looking forward to what the year brings.

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