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Allegany County GOP plans meeting in Belmont on February 28


Republican candidates for office for upcoming elections should attend

From the Allegany County Republican Committee,

Allegany County Republicans announce a meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post 808, Belmont, NY 14813. The committee will distribute petitions and receive any updated information from the Board of Elections, as well as handle any committee related items in need of approval. 

Please note the following regarding petitions:

  • Any candidate or county committee member petitions received by 4:00 p.m. on February 21 by our local Board of Elections in Belmont, NY, will be inserted into the individual petition packets for distribution to the appropriate district in which they are to be passed.
  • The Board of Elections will assist with petition completion; however, candidates and committee members MUST type their own petition headers.  
  • All packets will be addressed with the current address the Committee Secretary has on file. If you have had a change in address, please notify the Secretary by February 21 so that your address may be updated with the Board of Elections to complete packets for the February 28 meeting.
  • Any packet not picked up at the February 28 meeting will be mailed the next day to committee members
  • The entire Allegany County Republican Committee is up for re-election and must pass petitions to remain on the Committee. 
  • 8th Judicial Delegates are the only “County Positions” up this year, as they are every year. Any interested parties may contact Chairman Healy. Chairman Healy or his designee will file the Judicial petitions. All other candidates or their reps are responsible for filing their petitions with the Board of Elections. District and Town chairs should also assist in this process
  • ACRC District Chairs should ensure they have committee members for all those positions as well as all local offices (Town and Village), if any.
  • A petition review meeting will be held at the American Legion Post 808, Belmont, NY on Wednesday March 20, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All State and Federal office petitions will be collected and reviewed that evening for delivery to those individual campaigns, pending further direction.   
  • Allegany County Republican Committee Re-Organization must also be done this year between September 17 and October 6. The date, time, and location are yet to be determined, but will be announced once those details are finalized. All committee members and Officers should make sure we have candidates for those leadership positions when the re-organizational meeting is called by the Secretary.

Please make every effort to attend on February 28 to pick up your petition packet. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Board of Elections, 8 Willets Ave, Belmont, NY 14813, phone: (585) 268-9294, or email our Deputy Commissioner Marcy Crawford at

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