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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Signups for Wellsville Little League are now open online through March 1


Wellsville Little League is open to children and young adults who attend school in Wellsville, Scio, Andover, Whitesville, or Genesee Valley or who live within the league boundary, which includes most of these school districts.

2024 Wellsville Little League Sign-ups are now live at and are available through March 1, 2024.

Volunteers: Beginning with the 2024 Little League regular season, Little League International requires mandatory Abuse Awareness Training for Adults as part of the annual Volunteer Application and background check.

Abuse Awareness Training – Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes.

On our website, click ‘Registration’ and follow the instructions for Abuse Awareness for Adults Training.  Once completed, please send it as an attachment to

Returning families:  Click the registration link, scroll down, click ‘Available Programs’ and follow the questionnaire.

New families:  Click the register button, scroll down click ‘Available programs’ and you will be prompted to create an account.  From here you can sign up your child.

Physical Location Signup Dates

Physical Signups: Wellsville Elementary School February 24th, 9am – 12pm.

To meet the age requirements (T-Ball through Senior League), players must have been born on or between Sept.1, 2007 and Aug. 31, 2020.

Children Little League age 11

Players league age 11 are required to register and try out for our Major League program.  If your child is not selected to a Major League team, they will be placed in the Minor (player pitch) program.

A birth certificate is required to be uploaded during your registration or at in person signups.

Parents of children league ages 9-12 will need three different forms for proof of residency, one from each group, dated after Feb. 1, 2023, and before Feb. 1, 2024.

Please see the Little League website for specific document requirements.

Cost: $32 for one child, $52 for two or more children in the family. Junior and Senior League Sign-ups follow the same schedule. Cost: $52 each. A non-refundable $3 service fee will be incurred for online and in-person orders.

 Anticipated 2024 Dates:

Meet the Coach Night: 3/19 – We will provide location and times for your age group.

Volunteer CPR Training: 3/9 and/or 3/16 – We will provide location and time for Volunteers.

Player Evaluations: Evenings of 3/8 and 3/11.  This is for all minor league player pitch players and new players to Majors.  Players only need to attend one night.  We will provide times for each player. 

Opening Weekend: 4/26

These are suggested dates that can and are subject to change.

Any questions, contact Dan Russo at – email

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