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By Cindy El-Gaaly

BEYOND GRATEFUL: A message from Matt Stuck


“A simple “thank you” could never measure the gratitude”

My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our community, friends and family for coming out and supporting me at my benefit. I am so fortunate and blessed to live in a such a caring and compassionate community; and to have friends and family that went above and beyond in my time of need.

I was overwhelmed by the sheer number of people that came out to support me. Being surrounded by all of those people was the most beneficial part of that day for me. My spirits were lifted higher than any amount of money raised, giving me the strength and encouragement that I needed to continue my recovery and healing process. It is impossible to express how extremely grateful I am for all of those who made monetary donations, donated items, and/or donated their time to my benefit.

I can’t put into words how appreciative I am for Zoar, the guest musicians, DJ Numo, Bluegrass Country BBQ, the VFW staff, our friends and family, and our community members for their time and contributions. Without them, my benefit would not have been as successful as it was. A simple “thank you” could never measure the gratitude in my heart for the love my community has embraced me with. I am beyond grateful and truly blessed to live in a community that really comes together when one of our own is in need.

This community made it possible for us to meet our goal. We are looking forward to beginning the renovations they made possible, which will provide me with a safe environment that will let me be as independent as I can be, and will also support my recovery goals.

I hope that those who were there enjoyed the day as much as I did. I know that many people have a lot of other obligations this time of year, both in terms of time and money, so for them to support me in the many ways they did is truly, truly heartwarming and brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.

I hope that no unfortunate events occur among my community members, friends, or family; but if they do, I will be there to support them like they were there to support me.

With that, I’d like to wish everyone a very cheerful holiday season and especially a healthy New Year.

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