News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Someone loves Yvonne .. but did she send a message back?


Have you seen the signs ?


Forget political signs, the most popular signs in Elm Valley, Andover and Hornell are bright yellow and in black Sharpee say “I love you Yvonne.”

You can’t miss them, and we don’t know the story behind them.

However, it’s popular.

Some posts have over 200 likes and 75 shares.

Anyone named Yvonne on Facebook is getting tagged. Yvonne Payne has had a good sense of humor. She said she swears it not her. She also said she has a theory an aunt named Yvonne who was cheated on has her ex coming back and can’t find her!

Nikki Havens did some research and found our Yvonne is the #1 name searched in Steuben and Allegany counties.

She also said maybe it’s not a man.

On Thursday, a response was noticed at the corner of County Road 12 and Route 417 in Elm Valley. Someone in red marker wrote, “I don’t feel the same. Sorry, Yvonne.”

We had viral superstar Eric Jones of Eric Jones Studios, a professional artist, look at the writing. He said the all caps “I don’t feel the same” look like the handwriting of a male. However, he said the “Y” in the sorry and the letter “S” look like a female wrote them.

So we are not sure if Yvonne really responded, or if students going from Alfred to Wellsville’s campuses of Alfred State stopped and had some fun with a marker.

If you know the truth, comment on our Facebook page. Because it’s it’s on the internet, you know it’s true …

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