News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

A new slate for Alma? Two new faces elected to the town board


Paula Clayson, Michelle Dunbar win town council seats, begin serving in 2024

By Andrew Harris

President Barack Obama famously quipped, “elections have consequences.” No government body has felt that reality more than the town of Alma NY for all recent elections.

For the last several elections the town of less than a thousand people voted for change and voted for stabilization of the town government. The candidates ran on the notion of reform, restoring good government, and ending the seemingly non-stop dysfunction. To even a casual observer of the Town of Alma government that hasn’t happened.

That could change after this election.

Michelle Dunbar, who was the town of Alma tax bookkeeper for three decades, recently made a public statement voicing strong concerns about the town budget and budget process.

Dunbar was happy to be given the support at the polls and issued this statement:

“I’m very honored that the voters have faith in me and promise to work hard for those voters to put Alma in a better place.”

Paula Clayson, locally famous for live streaming town of Alma public meetings, has been paying close attention to the town business for years. Both ladies will be on the new town council led by current town Supervisor Steve Dickerson.

Clayson had this to say about her election:

I want to thank everyone who supported and voted for me in this election. This election was about our community, and as a community, we will work to address current and future issues. Together, we can develop community-driven initiatives that promote growth and turn the page to start a new chapter in the story of our town. I’m excited to see how this chapter and every chapter that comes after it is written.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and I look forward to taking your voice to the table, starting with the board meeting in January 2024.

Two other town council spots will be filled by write-in candidates. The seats are open due to dual resignations earlier this year and no candidates emerged on the ballot proper. That hasn’t stopped two known write-in candidates from asking for the town of Alma’s vote. David Shields and Logan Capito have both shown a willingness to take on the job if residents vote for them with a write in. Others have asked for write-in support but not officially.

As of this publishing, the Allegany County Board of Elections has not released any of the “write-in” results and will not until next week when they complete the “recanvassing process.”

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