News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melanie Hunt

Cuba Library News: Pumpkin carving contest ends Oct. 24, Hayden Haynes on Oct. 23


Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest Returns to Cuba Library through Oct. 24

From the Cuba Circulating Library.

It’s that time of year again! The Cuba Circulating Library is hosting their 3rd Annual Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest that began on Tuesday, October 10, and lasts through noon on Tuesday, October 24. Decorate a pumpkin (or gourd) as a book character or with a literary theme and drop it off at the Cuba Library’s front desk for display from October 10 – October 24. Library staff & patrons will vote for the best literary pumpkins on October 25. The winners will be announced that evening. Prizes for all ages.

Contest Rules:

• The library cannot accept carved pumpkin submissions. Only painted and/or decorated whole pumpkin submissions may be entered into the contest. Please leave a circle on the bottom of your pumpkin unpainted so your pumpkin can “breath.”

• Submissions will not be accepted before Tuesday, October 10, at 10 am.

• Contest submissions must be turned into library staff by Tuesday, October 24. Late pumpkin submissions will not be accepted.

• One winner will be chosen from each of the following age categories: young kids (ages 7 and under), tweens (ages 8-12), teens (ages 13-18), and adults (ages 19 and up).

• All pumpkins must be picked up by Saturday, October 28 at 3 pm. Pumpkins that are not picked up by this time will be disposed of.

For more information, please contact the Cuba Library at 585-968-1668.

Artist Hayden Haynes Presents on Antler Carving at Cuba Library

On Monday, Oct. 23 at 6 pm, Onödowa’ga artist Hayden Haynes will present a lecture on the art of antler carving at the Cuba Circulating Library. Haynes states on his website that his work is about healing– “an expression of Hodinöhsö:ni’ life today, showing where we come from, where we are today, and where we are going.” He will discuss the material and art form as it relates to cultural relevancy of the Hodinöhsö:ni’, as well as his own work and methods. More information about his art can be found at his website, This program is free and open to patrons of all ages. Contact Cuba Library at (585)968-1668 or email us at with any questions.

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Arts Council for Wyoming County & assistance from Friends of the Cuba Library, Inc.

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