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Wiser’s Wramblings-Covid-Still Virulent and Still Among Us


Covid 19, parking lots, and candy cravings

By Chuck Wiser, I write the words to share what my eyes see and my heart feels

Most thinking, reporting and writing regarding Covid, formally known these days as Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), but also referred to as Covid 19 or Covid-2019 was most recently thought by many to be a contagious disease that had run its course. Sadly, it is still among us, and moving about.

Recent reports of its resurgence were pretty much unnoticed, or at least unheeded, and caught many off-guard. There have been some instances of small groups infected by the disease.

Unfortunately, as with most virus types, you do not achieve lifelong immunity despite having completed the full regimen of vaccinations during the last go around a couple of years ago. Like the various strains of flu, it, and they, can infect and affect repeatedly, most likely on a seasonal continuing basis, therefore getting vaccinated each year should be considered.

Fortunately, if you have previously had Covid and built a small natural (short term) immunity or had been vaccinated, an onset of the virus might only result in “cold like” symptoms of mild congestion, stuffiness, and coughing.

If, at first onset of the cold-like symptoms, you are only showing those cold-like symptoms and no real illness, it is still advisable to take a Covid test to rule that out. Why? To alert yourself and put you on notice to isolate, more for the courtesy of others, than the benefit to yourself.

Note: The above data and recommendations are my own, based on a little research, and are not to be construed as professional medical advice. I suggest you do your own research and/or contact your family physician.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a reader via my email link That IS why I provide the link, at least when I think to do it. If I have not included the link you can track me down by contacting the editor of The Sun. The recent reader implored me to look into, and/or report the deplorable condition of the parking areas outside of Tractor Supply et al. I advised the reader that my Wrambling’s were not really intended to be used for such “campaigns” and that the Sun had a team if Investigative Reporters that could address issues like that. I referred the reader/writer back to the editor, and notified my editor as to the activity.

Later, I thought about my practice of issuing invitations to you, the readers, to contact me if you had concerns, or wished me to look into, or write about, an issue. And so I will!

Parking lots in Wellsville seem to be on the minds of Wellsville residents and officials lately so I might as well add this to their list of things to think about or investigate. I’m not much into the “regionality” of City/Town/Village boundaries in Wellsville but I agree with that writer that the parking lot in that area between McDonalds and those other building establishments is deplorable and dangerous. The same “responsibility” argument regarding the Rockwell parking area, that it is privately owned, could very well apply to this parking area. The problem and subsequent solution, however, could be resolved by politicians covering this area getting involved for the sake of their constituents. This is being written for a friend 😇💕.

This next Wramblings episode comment may be a combination of assumptions that are not entirely factual as to the details, but could be. As I traveled Riverside Drive between Scio and Wellsville a couple of weeks ago a white pickup truck had pulled out of a local car dealership ahead of me and continued on toward Wellsville. I was just running up town for a quick errand and then returned home. A short time later I loaded my truck for a trip to the transfer station and travelled back to Wellsville. While at the transfer station I noticed that previously seen white truck backing into a stall to deposit his “dump run” load of goods. After running a few other errands around town, I headed back to Scio. As I approached that same used car dealership, I saw that same white pickup truck pull into the dealership driveway.

This may not be a correct view of that scenario but if it was, it was “pretty creative.” If you don’t own a truck and need to take a significant load of something somewhere, go to a car dealership, take a truck out for a test drive, do your hauling, and then return the truck. That may not have been their story but it’s mine and I’m sticking to it. 

If you’ve read previous Wramblings you are likely aware that I love our language but sometimes take advantage of its complexity by abusing it even further. Such was the case the other day when I used the word Alphabeticable. My Thesaurus did not contain that word and I could not understand why. It seems to me that a word that describes another as being able to be alphabetized is certainly a viable word. It’s now in my vocabulary.

Having given up drinking, at least at home, a couple of years ago, and smoking back in the early 70’s, I have since developed a craving for candy as my habitual indulgence. One particular favorite is Snickers bars. I love the flavor of the peanuts in the candy bar, but not the nuts themselves so much. Reese’s candy bars do leave out the whole nuts, but they don’t have the caramel center. There are two sizes of the snack sized Snickers, those being “Bite Size” and then some that are “Fun Size,” which are about twice the size of the “snack” size. Until recently they have been overloaded with peanuts. The last bag of Fun Sized bars I purchased seem to have reduced the quantity of peanuts and have a smooth topped texture, as opposed to lumpy, and less peanuts. They are just right. It may have been due to a pricing issue with the price of nuts having skyrocketed but I hope that it continues. Caramel M&M’s are my favorite treat right now however.

My newspaper reading as a source of news has been mentioned previously. Television news report programming such as CNN, Faux News and MSNBC are all suspect as to their independence and lack of bias. I do sometimes tune into one of those, liking the reporting style of some like Wolf Blitzer, Velushi and a couple of others, for their “on Scene” topical coverage of certain situations.

When I am traveling and I have music to learn, I play my recorded songs for practice purposes. If not practicing those and wanting something to listen to I often will tune in the NPR (National Public Radio) that is available for the area that I am in. I have found that news source to be the most accurate, unbiased and up to date.

At the end of this week and early next, I will celebrate the Birthdays of two ladies that are special in my life and will share poems written for or about both of them.

I am going to end this writing by including my grammar groan of Wiser Word definitions written for, and given to my Alfred State College students as a quiz, during my last ever class before  my retirement in 2008.

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