News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Recently retired NYS Police officers will be on duty at Bolivar-Richburg


Board of Education approved the appointment of our two new School Safety Advisors

From Bolivar Richburg Central School,

Steve Austin (left) and Jared Zeigler (right) are both recently retired from service as New York State Troopers and will be sharing the duties of School Safety Advisor here at BRCS. The new position of School Safety Advisor allows us to have these two veteran law enforcement professionals as a part of our staff. In addition to what might be considered the work of a traditional School Resource Officer, our Safety Advisors will work closely with our faculty, staff, students and school community to help make Bolivar-Richburg an even safer place for our kids! They will be splitting the duties and working alternate days in the district.

Welcome aboard to both Steve and Jared!

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From Pandemic Pets to Perilous Paws: Hornell’s Growing Pet Abandonment Crisis

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