News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Monday Club opens 131st season


For its 131st year, members of the Monday Club had an enjoyable opening luncheon at the Wellsville Country Club this past Tuesday and will resume their Monday meetings on Sept. 18

By Kathryn Ross of the Monday Club

WELLSVILLE – The Monday Club opened its 131st year Tuesday with a luncheon at the Wellsville Country Club.

A total of 32 members were in attendance as 2023 President Joyce Loughlin welcomed the new officers and regular members.

“I think that we are going to have a wonderful year. We have a lot of great programs that I am excited about and some tours for our members,” she said.

Having been organized to support the village’s library at the turn of the 20th Century, with 54 active, associate and lifetime members, today’s Monday Club is the largest the club has seen in recent years. While it exists to serve the library the Monday Club is also a study and current events group and is a long-time member of the Federation of Women’s Clubs. It is one of the largest clubs in the area.

Officers this year, in addition to Loughlin are Vice President Joyce Krupnik, Secretary Tina Wightman, Treasurer Cindy Santora and Corresponding Secretary Judy Loughlin.

The theme for the 131st year is ‘Life’s a Journey,’ and in the next few weeks the Club will hear from Sister Alice of the Immaculate Conception Church and former ICS principal, Amanda Robbins and Wendy Skinner of the Fountain Arts Center in Belmont, Steve Walker of Walker Metalsmiths in Andover, and Jim Helms CEO of UR/Jones Memorial Hospital. Near the end of the year the club will celebrate with a special Christmas Silver Tea. In the new year the club will go on hiatus for several months before resuming in the Spring.

Those interested in becoming a member should contact any member of the club for information and to attend a meeting.

The Monday Club meets weekly on Mondays at 2 p.m. in the Monday Club of the David A. Howe Library except for some special programs which will take place in the Library Gallery or off site.

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Ruth Irene Osgood, 92, Wellsville

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