News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Melanie Hunt

Can you help Drew find a cure for Choroideremia?


Wellsville Class of 2014 graduate will run in NYC marathon to raise money for research

From the Burt Family, pictured is Drew Burt

Many of you know our son Drew Burt. He has an eyesight condition that progressively ends up in blindness. Despite his compromised eyesight, he is running in his 3rd consecutive NYC Marathon this November to raise money for research to find a cure!

His goal is $3,000. He hit it each of the last two years, and would like to hit it again. He currently has raised $900 so far this year. His entire team raised over $100,000 last year!!! 100% of your donation goes towards research.

Can you help Drew out in his “Race for a Cure”? Thank you for your consideration. Scott, Judy & Drew. Link:…/chasingstarl…/index.html

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