News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

OP-ED: Martinelli’s ADA article spot on


Rettig: “We have a long way to go”

I enjoyed Mr. Martinelli’s letter about the lack of compliance around the area with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Back in late 2019 I suffered a stroke that left me with one good side and one pretty much useless side, limiting my mobility to a wheelchair, grab bars, railings and ramps.

One location that really surprised me for lack of handicap accessibility is Doctor’s offices. Try getting up on a standard exam table with no grab bars or a lift! Only one office over the past four years had a table that was at wheelchair level! Another had a bathroom too small to get a manual wheelchair into.

Need to get weighed? Sure – just grip the slippery counter top edge next to the scale area – pull – and don’t let your fingers slip!

Sidewalks and street crossings? King size jokes! There are numerous crosswalks in my community that start out with a proper ramp on one side – then end against a standard high curb on the other side – DUH!

Building access? Maybe down the street, around back, down the beat-up driveway past the dumpster (don’t slip on the spilled grease) …

Even with a power chair thing can be difficult. We have a long way to go.
Doug Rettig
Cuba, NY

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