News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

LaForge: Construction on Dyke St/Rt. 417 blocked regular garbage pickup


Pickup will resume for customers very early next Tuesday 7/18

Due to the current construction taking place on East Dyke St / State Rt 417 from State Rt 19 to Trapping Brook Road, we find that we are unable to service customers on this section of road during our normal garbage hours without having a major impact on construction traffic flow.

We will be modifying our Tuesday route to service these East Dyke St houses prior to the construction day beginning, this means our crews will start very early Tuesday morning and we are asking customers in the East Dyke St construction zone to place their trash out on Monday evening to ensure it is curbside for our crew to service first on Tuesdays.

If you missed service Tuesday 7/11/23, we apologize for this inconvenience and ask that you contact the LaForge Disposal office at 585-593-7122 and we will work with you to ensure removal next week.

This modification of our Tuesday East Dyke St route will only be in effect until the construction project on East Dyke Street has been completed.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

LaForge Disposal Service

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