News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Amy Stock Memorial Trailer to be on display this week at Alfred State


Amy was killed by a drunk driver in 2015

The University Police Department at Alfred State will have the Amy Stock Memorial Trailer on display this week. The trailer tells the story of Stock who was killed by a drunk driver in 2015.

While driving home from babysitting, Stock was killed when a man traveling 65 miles per hour down an Albany city street ran a stop sign and hit her car. The driver, who was charged with aggravated vehicular homicide, had a blood alcohol level of .27, more than three times the legal limit.

Stock’s sister worked with the Otsego County Sherriff and the STOP DWI program to preserve the car, to tell Amy’s story, and educate the public on the dangers of drinking and driving. The trailer includes the mangled vehicle and has facts about drunk driving and alternatives to avoid drinking while intoxicated are displayed all over the trailer.

Chief of Police Jeff Wilcox knows displays like this benefit not only the college students but the whole community. “We continue to strive to educate the community about the dangers of drunk driving. Sharing Amy’s story and having this trailer on campus is a great opportunity for people to see firsthand what can happen when poor choices are made.”

The trailer travels across the state and will be in the parking lot outside of University Police the rest of the week including during the Hot Dog Day Carnival that will be held in the Student Leadership Center parking lot.

To learn more about the Amy Stock Memorial Trailer visit:

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