News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Multiple Allegany County cultural groups receive almost $30,000 in funding


Arts Council for Wyoming County helps out with the community regrant program

Linda Franke, Grants and Educational Outreach Coordinator for the Arts Council for Wyoming County, and ACWC’s Executive Director Jacqueline Swaby, brought good news to several arts and cultural organizations in Allegany County on Saturday, March 18th.  Recipients from ten organizations in Allegany County offering art and cultural programming, and one individual artist, gathered at The Fountain Arts Center to be recognized for their project awards. 

Project awards totaling $28,554 are made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants program, a regrant program of the New York State Council for the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Arts Council for Wyoming County.

Jacqueline Swaby, Executive Director for ACWC, congratulated the recipients for the work they do to keep arts programming a vibrant part of the quality of life in rural communities.  ACWC’s Grant and Educational Outreach Coordinator Linda Franke invited a representative from each organization to present a brief summary of its project.  Included in the variety of programming were summer music programs; theatre production; art lessons in calligraphy, abstract design, and perspective; a touring art exhibition; experimentation with virtual technology; dance performances; cultural and historical presentations; and music education and orchestra performances. 

Receiving program funding are Carol McGlynn and Lillian Milliman from The Wide Awake Club, Fillmore; Diedre Wolfe from the Friendship Library; Dr. Dawn Bennett directing the Town Theatre of Short Tract; Melanie Miller from the Alfred Box of Books, Wendy Skinner from The Fountain Arts Center, Dr. Steve Guynup with Nancy Reuning of The Little Gem Artisan Store in Wellsville; Raeanne Smith from the Scio and Genesee Libraries; Jim Arthur from Wellspring Ministries; Kate Elliot from the David A. Howe Library; and Tina Dalton from the Cuba Circulating Library.

The Allegany County recipients extend their gratitude to the Arts Council for Wyoming County for making it possible for them to submit applications for the regrants, and to receive SCR funds.

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