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By Cindy El-Gaaly

“Let’s have some actual analysis of data and facts”


Another reader is not happy with recent, “Bail Reform Disgrace”

I echo the sentiments from Barbara Kelley’s letter to the editor.  I will add, how about some research behind such statements that bail reform has caused “a large increase in crime”?!  It shouldn’t be too difficult to quantify that large increase by a simple review of arrest records and police reports pre and post bail reform.  Let’s have some actual analysis of data and facts, remember those?  Let’s also all ask ourselves a question, “should someone’s means determine their liberty?”  I am betting most people would answer no. 

The reality of cash bail is that it creates a two tiered system of justice.  One where poor people are subjected to pretrial detention or cornered into a plea bargain and those of means are not.  Despite what the Law & Order television narrative might show us, judges have never been able to assign bail based on how dangerous the accused person is perceived to be.  That’s not how it works, that is not how any of this works!

Please let’s stop painting everyone who is at the mercy of the prison industrial complex with the same brush.  Bail reform is and has been far from perfect but let’s have some real research that can quantify its’ real impact and stop with the anecdotal fear mongering. 

Thank you, 

Betsy Allen-Matthew

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