“…a great way to become a better skier!”
It may not be what you think. “One of our current candidates told me he thought you had to already have Olympic level ski skills to join Ski Patrol. Another joined thinking it would help him loose weight.” Swain Ski Patrol Membership Chairman Steve Walker explains, “As it turns out, Patrol is a great way to learn to be a better skier, but you can begin with intermediate level skills. On Patrol you will get a lot of exercise, but there is so much good stuff to eat in the Patrol Room, that might cancel out the potential for weight loss.”

Walker is organizing the annual recruiting event for Swain Ski Patrol. On Sunday February 19 people who are interested in joining Swain Ski Patrol will have a chance to spend a few hours with the Patrol, both on the slopes and in the Patrol Room. Ski Patrol is a volunteer first aid and safety organization that provides first-reponder help for the skiing and snowboarding public. Training includes a thorough course in Outdoor Emergency Care. The course starts in August and meets two evenings a week until November. Patrol candidates are taught how to deal with medical problems, from cuts and bruises to more serious traumas such as broken bones, concussions and cardiac emergencies. Beginning in January candidates are given a rigorous course in skiing and sled handling. Snowboard riders are welcome on Ski Patrol as well.
There are approximately seventy members of Swain Ski Patrol. Patrollers come from many walks of life from carpenters to business executives, from nurses and engineers to machinists and students. Many patrollers join as “YAPs”, Young Adult Patrollers, who can begin training as young as fifteen years old. Other join later in life and many continue to volunteer on Ski Patrol beyond their retirement from their primary vocations. About 25% of Swain Ski Patrollers are of retirement age. Each member works an average of one shift a week during the season. Benefits include a season lift pass, a family pass or buddy pass, use of the Patrol Room for socialization, storage of equipment, kitchen and dining facilities, discounts at Swain Resort for equipment and restaurant purchases as well as Pro-Deals from many major suppliers of winter sports clothing and equipment.
Space is limited for participation in the Open House. To reserve a spot contact Steve Walker by emailing membership@swainskipatrol.org or calling 607-382-3195.