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Allegany County Legislature Honors JOBTRAK Supervisor Jerry Dickinson


Read the full county proclaimation honoring Dickinson

Pictured: Legislative Board Chairman Brooke Harris, Jerry Dickinson, Commissioner Edna Kayes, Principal Social Welfare Examiner Heidi Jordan

On January 3, the Allegany County Legislature opened their resolutions agenda with a special recognition of Jerry Dickinson, JOBTRAK Supervisor within the Department of Social Services (DSS).

The resolution “Recognizing and Thanking Jerry Dickinson for his Contributions to the Betterment of Allegany County” was presented by Principal Social Welfare Coordinator Heidi Jordan, DSS Commissioner Edna Kayes, and Legislative Board Chairman Brooke Harris.

The resolution describes Dickinson’s numerous successes in his role as JOBTRAK supervisor, as well as his extraordinary work for the benefit of Allegany County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jordan, Mr. Dickinson’s direct supervisor, addressed the large gathering of supporters and stated, “I cannot think of a worker more worthy of (this) recognition than Jerry. I’ve had the privilege of working with Jerry for several years, and seen the impact he’s had on the community, but more importantly the people that we serve.”

Commissioner Kayes applauded the nomination. “Jerry Dickinson well deserves this employee recognition. He is a working man with ethics, vitality, and always ready to “roll-up” his sleeves and help in any way that he can.”

JOBTRAK is part of the DSS Employment Unit’s Temporary Assistance Division and provides work experience and coaching to qualifying individuals. Community beneficiaries include Wellspring Ministries, the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, and several municipal organizations.

Legislative Board Chairman Brooke Harris echoed the sentiments shared by Dickinson’s supervisors. “I’m privileged to have had the opportunity to participate in the celebration of Jerry’s service to the County. He embodies the traits of all our employees: a spirit of service, a commitment to excellence, and an unwavering dedication of the People of Allegany County.”

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