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Wellsville's west side by Sandy Rigas

Graceful Arts Series Planned for January at Grace United Church


Benefit for victims of Hurricane Ian this Friday in Wellsville

By Mary Gardner-Ruch

Grace United Church has fun activities planned in January that highlight music.  On January 6th at 7:00 pm, a Twelfth Night Celebration Concert to benefit those affected by Hurricane Ian will take place at the church located at 289 North Main Street in Wellsville.  Music from many genres will be performed by The Young Sisters, Sound Foundation, Maple City Barbershop Chorus, Devon Reagan, Jim Knapp, Carol Flurschutz, Bob and Gena Decker, John Spicer, Dave Mason, and other musicians from Grace United.  Admission is free. An offering will be taken.

The term “Twelfth Night” refers to the final night of the celebration of Christmas, with the coming of Epiphany.  Epiphany is the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the three Wise Men or Magi.  The Twelfth Night is mostly known to American audiences through the verse of the carol “Twelve Days of Christmas.”  Different traditions hold it on the evening of either the 5th or 6th of January. For much of Christian history and for much of the world today, it has been the biggest celebration of the Christmas season.  In the United States, we have largely moved away from that. 

On Sunday, the 8th, there will be an opportunity to bring a white shirt and tie-dye it after the service. This is to prepare for the service on the 22nd. January 22nd is peace, love, and tie-dye day. Songs will be sung from the 60s and 70s.  On January 29th, the church is planning a drum circle.  

The series will continue in March with Graceful Lines, highlighting artists in the congregation and having fun with art. 

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