News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Cuba Police Department honors two longtime police officers


Dave Bentley retires after 44 years, Walt Mackney will be the next county Undersheriff

Statement from Cuba Police: During this holiday season, we could not be more grateful for the men and women of our department who are dedicated to serving this community. Officer Dave Bentley and Officer Walt Mackney are two of those men. Officer Bentley is retiring with 44 years of service and Officer Mackney is leaving our department to become the next Undersheriff of Allegany County. While it is difficult to say farewell, we are happy to celebrate with them and their long careers with us. Bentley was also presented with a retirement badge and ID from Chief Burch.

Officer Bentley, today we acknowledge and honor your 44 years of service in the law enforcement profession. Your dedication is apparent in the diverse assignments you have held throughout your career including, Deputy Sheriff, Civil Deputy, Patrolman, Field Training Officer and member of the ACTRT (SWAT)Team for many years.

Officer Mackney we thank you for your 43 years of service to our profession. We also acknowledge your willingness to help others and your motivation to become an instructor in general topics, firearms, pepper ball, taser, implicit bias, master instructor, domestic violence as well as many other topics. Your assistance in helping foster programs in our community such as CRASE (Civilian Response To Active Shooter Events) and our public firearms safety courses have brought our department and the community much closer.

Both of you have shown commitment to serve which has brought sacrifice from every family member and we recognize and thank your wives, your children and grandchildren. You have given your life for something bigger than yourselves, serving this community as police officers.

It has been an honor to serve with you both and now we wish you a well-deserved and happy retirement and success in your new position. On behalf of your Cuba Police Department Family, congratulations and thank you both!

Walt Mackney, Jim Galatio, Dave Bentley, Chief Burch, Town Supervisor Lee James, and Heidi Hartly from Assemblyman Giglio’s office
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