Will the landmark entertainment venue sell for one million ?
By Andrew Harris
The bowling alley, bowling leagues, and the food have been a common part of life in Wellsville for over forty years. You may have been in a league that met weekly or were a young kid who attended regular birthday parties at the bowling alley. Early memories of bowling in your socks, Colleen Dixon at the lunch counter, and some great parties linger for many.
The bowling alley has still maintained a presence in Wellsville but the current owners have decided to sell. The sale price of nearly one million dollars is news itself. According to Allegany County property records, the “full market value” of the property is $258,900. The sellers have listed the property https://64edykest.c21.com
If the property sells for the asking price it will change the dynamic of commercial real estate throughout the Wellsvllle market. The agents handling the property are based in Lakewood NY.
May we suggest an alternative real estate company? One that has a keen sense for the local and regional market and has experience with entertainment venues in Allegany and Steuben counties?
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