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By Cindy El-Gaaly

Reboot: One poll ends, another begins(again after survey troll attack)


Renewable energy results and this week’s question is not who you voted for, but why?

By Andrew Harris

For a community built on fossil fuels, and still home to major energy firm, Otis Minnesota, the conclusion of this week’s question was surprisingly progressive. The question was:

“Are renewable energy sources like wind and solar the solution to rising energy costs ?”

Only 22.6% of responses indicated sole support for increasing fossil fuel production as a response to rising energy costs. I would have guessed that number would have been over 50% because of our history, and the number of families who rely on oil and gas in Allegany County.

77.4% of responses acknowledged that our economy and society must keep developing renewable energy sources. While the leading group of responses favored a mix of green energy development while surviving on oil and gas, 35% responded that green energy was the solution.

Part of that shift in attitudes may be because jobs have shifted to green energy in a real way. Wind energy is a real market force in Wellsville, not just because the giant turbines are a common sight, but because the former Air Preheater/ABB/Alstom is again hiring after years of gradual layoffs. The reason for the jobs: the wind energy industry.

Even our local elected leaders have embraced green energy. Town of Wellsville Deputy Supervisor Patty Graves has a multi-million dollar solar panel system on the farmland she shares with former county legislator and now Town Justice Karl Graves. Conservative Houghton College boasts one of the largest solar arrays in Western New York.

While resistance to green energy certainly exists, it seems that this sample of average Americans are evolving toward an inevitable future of mixed energy sources.

This weeks poll question sponsor is the Hann Homestead!! Tap the ad to learn more and inquire about a stay at the “Hann”

Next question: Why did you vote for your candidate ?

Many of you have already voted in the election set to crescendo on Tuesday November 8. With the results still unknown, this question intends to explain why Sun readers voted they way they did.

In this weekly poll you can choose two answers from the following list:

  • I voted based on politcal party
  • I voted to protect reproductive freedom
  • I voted to end inflation
  • I voted in opposition to “bail reform”
  • I didn’t even bother to vote

This mix of answers hopes to provide an idea of what motivated Sun readers at the ballot, with a little nuance. Because this vote allows multiple answers, you can change your answer if needed. This poll closes Friday night and as always: Have a poll question idea? We’d love to hear it, just email

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