James Cicirello retired as Chief of the Wellsville Police Department and ran for Allegany County Sheriff in 1983
By Andrew Harris
Allegany County Undersheriff and soon to be, Sheriff-elect, sent a message to supporters today imploring them to participate in democracy and vote. He also harkened back to 1983 when his father “Jim,” ran unsuccessfully for Allegany County Sheriff. The note from Scott recalls that his dad did some foreshadowing almost forty years ago:
“It’s been 38 years since a Cicirello ran for Sheriff. I remember waiting for what seemed like an eternity for the results to come back in 1983. We were at the dispatch headquarters for Wellsville Ambulance and Rescue (aka my grandmother Ruth Cicirello’s kitchen). Dan Martelle kept a tally as the numbers came in. Before long it became evident we were not going to win.
I was a pretty sad 4th grader at the time. I asked my Dad (Jim Cicirello) if he would run again. He told me he didn’t think he ever would but said, ”Who knows son, you may be the first Cicirello to be elected Sheriff”. I never forgot those words and always said that running for Sheriff would be my last LEO goal before retirement. We are very close to fulfilling the dreams of two lifetime police officers. I know JAC is looking down right now with a smile on his face.
If you haven’t done so, PLEASE VOTE TOMORROW!”