News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Letter to the Editor: Town of Alma vote will shape the future


Alma resident warns of moving Highway Superintendent from “elected” to “appointed”

By Paula Clayson

Alma Residents,

This year you are faced with the decision to change how your local government operates and how your voice is heard. When you vote, if you turn the ballot over, you will find ‘Proposal two – town proposition one’.

‘Proposal two – town proposition one’

Shall the Resolution adopted by the Town Board on July 26, 2022, entitled “A Local Law Changing the Elected Office of Town Superintendent of Highways to Appointed Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Alma commencing January 1, 2025” be approved?

  • If approved, it will allow the town board to appoint someone as Highway Superintendent who does not reside in the town of Alma.
  • If approved, the Highway Superintendent will answer only to the town board and not the residents.
  • If approved, the residents will not be able to remove an individual who is not doing the job adequately by voting them out.
  • If approved, it would eliminate a branch of your local government and turn nearly 100% of your tax dollars over to a board that does not understand the inner workings of how the Highway Department operates.
  • If approved, you will lose your voice about who you want to serve you and entrust your roads and safety to.

As a resident of Alma, you are well-informed, and due to the unfortunate events of the recent past, you know the importance of the three levels of your government as a safeguard against the abuse and misuse of your tax dollars.

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