News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

The Town of Wellsville will meet tonight, Wednesday October 12: Read agenda


The meeting will be held at the Wellsville Municipal Airport, 7pm


  1. Pledge to the Flag
  2.  Minutes: 09/14/22 Regular Meeting

3.   Community Comment:

4.   Financial Reports

5.   Departmental Reports

A. Town Clerk *                                               (*indicates report received)

B. Dog Control

C. Justice *

D. Fire Department *

E. Assessor *

F. Code Enforcement                                                                          

G Highway *

H. Park *

I. Airport *

J. Planning Board

6. Dan Helvestion: Update on Municipal Building

7. YMCA: Presentation


A. Highway line-item transfers. $2000.00 from DB5110.457 (Concrete) to DB5110.456 (Gravel)

         $2000.00 from DB5110.452 (Pipe) to DB5110.453 (Gravel)

         $500.00 From DB5110.449 Sealing to DB5110.451 Cold Patch

B. Park line-item transfer $1000.00 from A7110.473 (Field Maintenance) to A7110.467 Fuel.

9. AIRPORT: Budget Transfers

10. QUICKLEE’S: Update


            A. Sinclair Water District         

            B. Community Development

            C. Solar/Wind Committee

12. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

  1. P. Graves –
  2. M. Miller –

C.   J. Case –

D.   J. Ormsby –

E.   S. Alsworth – Schedule Public Hearing for 2023 Town Budget

                          Schedule Public Hearing for 2023 Fire Protection Budget

13. Executive Session:

14.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract # 10

Next Board Meeting: November 09 ,2022 – Regular Meeting

  • Planning Board Meeting: – November 14, 2022 Town
  • Airport Meeting: November 15, 2022
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