News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

NEW: Every Monday on the Sun vote in a weekly poll about local issues


Vote your opinion anonymously, readers will help ask the questions

By Andrew Harris

Polls can be very powerful. They have the ability to “take the temperature” on any given question and that data is laid bare to both the public and the decision makers.

National polling has become very questionable, making any observer skeptical of the concept in general. While it stands to reason that the larger the data pool, the more accurate the poll. Clearly that depends on the nature of the poll question. A flaw in the question, a bias, or just the wrong wording can create a serious deviance in a large poll.

Local polling is basically non-exisitent. Have you ever gotten a phone call for a poll on Allegany county politics ? We have been left to scanning Facebook comments to find out how people feel about any given subject, hardly representative data.

The poll that the Sun will be publishing every Monday has high hopes. We want to make this part of our readers weekly routine, throwing your two cents in on any given subject. While the people voting may not always be constitutents or voters or residents, everyone who reads the Sun has an interest. No one is visiting this site just to sway a poll number, they are invested readers.

Because our readers are invested, we want them to help make design the weekly question. Is here an issue you want to “take the temperature” of? Do you want to bring attention to a local subject or issue by asking for public opinion ? Maybe you have fun, light-hearted question that will bring back memories or celebrate a person or event ? Please direct your suggestions to or use our site contact form if you want to float a poll idea but don’t want your name mentioned, Contact Form.

We expect these polls will be very popular and have lots of “eyeballs” for advertisers. Your business or organization could benefit from sponsoring the weekly poll !! If you are interested, send us an email at the above address.

Our first poll will be posted soon, thank you in advance for participating and sharing with friends!

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The “Municipal Parking Lot” in Wellsville will be front and center at next village meeting Monday October 10 at 6pm

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