News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Worried about polio? Vaccine clinic in Belmont Monday August 22


Guidance from the Allegany County Department of Health

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) updated New Yorkers on the poliovirus in New York State. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) updated New Yorkers on the poliovirus in New York State. This update came following the identification of poliovirus in wastewater in Rockland and Orange Counties. These samples are genetically linked to the individual case of paralytic polio previously identified in a Rockland County resident. These findings provide further evidence of local—not international—transmission of a poliovirus that can cause paralysis and potential community spread, underscoring the urgency of every New York adult and child in getting immunized.

“Based on earlier polio outbreaks, New Yorkers should know that for every one case of paralytic polio observed, there may be hundreds of other people infected,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. “Coupled with the latest wastewater findings, the Department is treating the single case of polio as just the tip of the iceberg of much greater potential spread. As we learn more, what we do know is clear: the danger of polio is present in New York today. We must meet this moment by ensuring that adults, including pregnant people and young children by 2 months of age are up to date with their immunization – the safe protection against this debilitating virus that every New Yorker needs.”

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). During NIAM, we encourage you to talk to your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider to ensure you and your family are protected against serious diseases by getting caught up on routine vaccination.

As of August 2022, Allegany County has a 77.24% Polio vaccination rate. Polio vaccine is only one of the vaccines required for schoolchildren in New York State. As your children head back to school this fall, it is important for you to make sure they get caught up on missed well-child visits and recommended vaccines.

Remember to take care of yourself too! Make sure to receive any vaccines you need to stay healthy. Use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) adult vaccine assessment tool to see which vaccines might be right for you.

The Allegany County Department of Health is offering the following immunization clinic to assist County residents with vaccinating their children before school begins in September.

The Allegany County Department of Health immunization clinics are held in Belmont at the County office building:

Monday August 22, 2022                  9:00am – 3:30pm

  • Please wear short sleeve.
  • Insurance companies will be billed (please bring insurance cards with you), if you have no insurance or are underinsured a sliding fee scale is available.
  • Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or official guardian. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Please call 585-268-9250 and press #3 for appointments. NO WALK IN SERVICE.
  • Please wear a mask (bring it with you)!

For additional information or to make an appointment, please contact the Allegany County Department of Health at 585-268-9250.

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