Thank you to our readers and our sponsors!
The numbers have been staggering and humbling for the Wellsville and Hornell Sun, and beneficial for our sponsors and advertisers.
Those numbers are now going up and our reach is more global than ever.
Google has joined local municipalities, local law enforcement, NASCAR and the National Football League recognizing the Wellsville Sun and Hornell Sun an official news media publication of record.
Google is putting the stories you see on the Sun at the top of their search engine and when you sign up for Google alerts for Wellsville, Allegany County or any of the towns in the area.

“This was the result of the hard-work by Andrew Harris and our amazing team of writers and columnists,” said John Anderson, one of the writer/editor’s of the site. “We did not pay for this and we did not enter into a partnership agreement. This was the result of local news and press releases that no other publications will run anymore getting posted, up to 10 to 12 a day.”

Recently, the story on John Spicer (read HERE) was picked up by Google and read and shared by many World War II and veteran sites across the country. There are a lot of people who volunteer their time to document history.
One of the toughest challenges when documenting history is having a site charge you to read an article despite the site posting advertisements, pop-up ads and videos. The feedback we have received was a thank you for keeping the Wellsville Sun and the Hornell Sun FREE to read for everyone.
The local businesses who sponsor the Wellsville Sun on this site make that happen. They have sponsored stories and videos and coverage. They have made sure we had videos and stories of local sporting events. Sponsors are also stepping up to make sure the cameras of Chris Brooks, Steve Harrison and Syrena Lynn Carver capture news and sports and we run photo galleries from the professional lenses.
There is also a PayPal button on the Wellsville Sun and Hornell Sun where you can donate to keep local journalism and leave a note.
This is just another step toward our goals with the Google recognition and one we wanted to share with our loyal readers!