News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Letter to the Editor: “We have more in common…”

I have enjoyed living in Wellsville, NY since 1988. I have never written a letter to the editor before but I’m frightened. There is a lot of talk in this country about how divided we are but I believe we have more in common with each than not.

From what I can tell, most of us want to live in a nation where we can do, think and believe as we see fit and I’m afraid that way of life is in grave danger. I believe Democracy, with our ability to vote for a candidate of our choice and have it count in an election is at the core of our freedom. In order for Democracy to function it is most important that we all know what is true and seek to make our own opinions based upon that.

People working for President Trump’s administration surrounding the 2020 election have been testifying under oath about their experiences for the January 6th 2020 congressional hearings. Their testimony is being presented on television now and I hope and pray all of us are watching.

It could have the power of bringing us back together and securing our future.

Amanda Oglesbee, Wellsville
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