News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Fitzpatrick family honored in Whitesville


Independence Historical Society holds ceremony

Lorie, Darla, Julie, Sandra and Kerry from the Fitzpatrick family

On Memorial Day (May 30, 2022) the Independence Historical Society (I.H.S.) held a building dedication ceremony to honor the James Fitzpatrick family.  In 2008 the James and Sandra Fitzpatrick family purchased the former St. John of the Cross Catholic Church in Whitesville, NY.  Upon ownership, the family offered the use of the building to I.H.S. as a home for the organization. After several years of having full use of the building at no expense to the I.H.S., the family gifted the building in April of 2021.  In July of that same year, Jim Fitzpatrick passed away. 

The historical society wanted to honor his memory and show appreciation to his family by dedicating the Independence Historical Society building to the James Fitzpatrick family.  Society member Elton Harris gave a presentation acknowledging the contributions Jim and his family have made to the Whitesville community.  Many members of the community turned out for this presentation with all of the James Fitzpatrick family in attendance.  The family members included Jim’s wife Sandra, son Kerry and daughters, Julie, Darla and Lorie.

Two plaques, along with Jim’s NYS vanity license plate, will be prominently displayed in the vestibule in the building once owned by the Fitzpatrick family.  The Independence Historical Society expresses much gratitude and appreciation for providing a permanent home for their organization.

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