If you plan to attend, please RSVP this week
By Andrew Harris
It is a big year for business in Wellsville this year. The Texas Hot turns 100, the Balloon Rally is back, and the Wellsville economy is showing signs of a revival. The Chamber of Commerce has long been the glue that not only acts as an advocate for local businesses, but a partner in many great events.

This year the “Chamber” will have its annual dinner to honor and congratulate those who are making the Wellsville business world proud. If you plan to attend, please contact the Chamber ASAP to make your reservation.
The award winners this year speak directly to the legacy of successful small family businesses in Wellsville. Turning 100, the Texas Hot surely deserves the Business of the Year award. The Gena family will accept the New Business of the Year award for founding the Wellsville General Store. The White’s will receive a long overdue award for their constant Community Service. Brenda Szabo, a force who works behind the scenes with real results, will be awarded the Spirit of Wellsville award.
Call 585 593 5080 or email MSC@WellsvilleChamber.com to make your reservation for this great night.