News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Wellsville Republican Committee “rebuffed,” at latest town meeting


Pictured is Christman, recently retired from the US Air Force reserves

New committee chair Robert Christman asked for Jeffery Ormsby to be appointed to vacant seat. Here is why that didn’t happen.

By Andrew Harris

Allegany County Clerk and newly installed president of the Wellsville Republican Committee Robert Christman attended the recent town of Wellsville board meeting with an agenda. With Christman was Jeff Ormsby, who is currently circulating petitions to appear on the November ballot for an open town board seat. That seat has been vacant since former town board member William Fish resigned in September 2021.

Christman addressed the board with one request, appoint Ormsby to the board on an interim basis for the 8 months until the election. The town board wasn’t exactly ready to make that decision. After his presentation and request, no member of the board was willing to make a motion to vote on appointing Ormsby. Christman who was clearly surprised that his request wasn’t welcomed with a vote said, “Well, I guess we’ve been rebuffed.”

From the Wellsville Republican Committee’s perspective, the request was in line with a vote made by committee members at the March 3 meeting. During that meeting, the committee of seven Wellsville Republicans discussed a vote to nominate one of two candidates for the vacant Town of Wellsville seat. After conducting that vote, Jeff Ormsby was nominated. According the minutes of the meeting: “President Christman recommended Mr. Ormsby create a cover letter and resume to be presented along with the letter from the committee. This will be presented at the next town board meeting on March 9th.”

The lack of interim appointment won’t keep Ormsby from pursuing the seat in the November election or asking that the town board fill the vacant seat for the next eight months. “The town residents deserve to have full representation, regardless of who gets appointed.” said Ormsby

We asked town supervisor Shad Alsworth about the open seat, the request by Christman and the Wellsville Republican Committee, and the reasons why that request was “rebuffed.” Alsworth has indicated that in order to best understand the decision by the town he will be providing the Wellsville Sun with an detailed explanation this weekend.

Political observers stay tuned!

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