News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

The Town of Wellsville will meet tonight at 7pm, read agenda


Regular monthly board meeting will take place at the Wellsville Municipal Airport

By Andrew Harris

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Town of Wellsville elected officials will be held tonight in the hangar at the Wellsville airport and feature several interesting topics. The meeting is open to the public.

The agenda below has a few highlights starting with a planned visit from a resident who is interested in having a sewer district on the Bolivar Road and has concerns about truck traffic.

County Clerk Robert Christman is scheduled to attend the meeting on behalf of the Wellsville Republican Committee.

Deputy town supervisor Patricia Graves will be bringing a resolution to the board for a vote on a new town Sexual Harassment and Employee Fraternization Policy. Supervisor Shad Alsworth will be signing a law enforcement agreement and introducing a new “consultant to the supervisor.”

The full agenda as provided by town clerk Danielle Osgood is below:


1. Pledge to the Flag

2. Minutes: 02/09/22 Regular Meeting

3. Community Comment: Janine Mosher – Would like to discuss with the board how to get on the sewer district on the Bolivar Road. She has made several attempts to contact the Village with no response back. Also, still has concern of truck Traffic on Florida Ave.

Rob Christman: Wellsville Republican Committee

4.  Financial Reports

5.   Departmental Reports

A. Town Clerk *                                               (*indicates report received)

B. Dog Control

C. Justice *

D. Fire Department

E. Assessor *

F. Code Enforcement                                                                          

G Highway *

H. Park – Will open May 1,2022

I. Airport *

J. Planning Board *


7. AIRPORT: Approval to sign grant acceptance

8.  ASSESSOR: Data Collector

09. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Wellsville Emergency Services


            A. Sinclair Water District

               B. Community Development

               C. Solar/Wind Committee

12. Supervisor/Councilmen Reports

  1. P. Graves – Resolutions for the Following: Sexual Harassment Policy and Employee Fraternization Policy
  2. M. Miller –

3. J. Case –

4. S. Alsworth – Supervisor to sign Law Enforcement Agreement.

                                    – New Consultant to the Supervisor

13. Executive Session:

14.  Audit/Payment of Bills – Abstract # 03

Next Board Meeting: April 13 ,2022 – Regular Meeting

  • Planning Board Meeting: – April 11, 2022
  • Airport Meeting: April 12, 2022
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