The previous Wellsville Town Supervisor interviewed current Town Supervisor Shad Alsworth about emerging issues with development in the town.
As Wellsville continues to grow the economic wheel, new challenges have emerged, complete with warnings of court action. The issues concern the area of future construction on the Bolivar Road in the town of Wellsville.
The property just beyond village limits, site of the former “Bo-Ge” machine shop, is slated to have a Walgreens “drive-thru” pharmacy and a Quicklee’s convenience store built beginning as soon as March 2022. The Walgreen’s construction has been approved by the Town of Wellsville, the Quicklee’s plans have been recently submitted.
Those plans have created concerns from a manufacturing business currently leasing a building on the property.
Babbitting Service Inc, has expressed that the lack of tractor trailer access to the property they lease is a major concern to their operation. They currently employ nine full-time machinists and have an average of four big rig deliveries or pickups per week. The firm has a lease for the property which includes right of way access.
The property owner is listed as Great Dane LLC, commonly acknowledged to be a subsidiary of Ellicott Development, owned and operated by one time NYS gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino.
The plans have also placed another issue on the table, Alsworth’s ties to the property.
Wellsville Town Supervisor Shad Alsworth lives on a property that abuts the newly proposed site. Speculation about Alsworth’s access and use of the property indicate a potential conflict of interest could exist.
Alsworth was confident that all parties involved would work through the “hiccups,” which have emerged.
Here Alsworth expresses his confidence in the process:
The Supervisor explained that “Obviously, there is an easy solution to all this when all these minds get together.” He added, “there are options available to where the concerns expressed by the ‘company in the back’(Babbiting Service Incorporated) can be easily addressed…there will be changes needed to the proposed Quicklee’s site for the project to move forward.”
Alworth went on to say “can I speak to all the modifications? No.”
Alsworth noted that he has spoken with former Supervisor Dar Fanton, who now serves on the town planning board, and said the town can’t have heavy truck traffic spilling onto Florida Avenue.
Shad stated “at the end of the day, we are absolutely committed to finding a solution.” He added, “I think there is an easy answer to this that will keep everything out of court.”
Alsworth noted…”I’ve been a target” regarding threats of a lawsuit and court action.
The town board is expected to receive a full update from Alsworth and discuss the matter at the next town board meeting, set for March 9th at the Wellsville Municipal Airport.