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Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Immaculate Conception School Principal Richard Seigel resigns


By Andrew Harris

Parents and students received the news yesterday that Principal Richard Seigel has resigned his position at the longstanding private school in Wellsville NY. Siegel sent this email to parents and staff yesterday after school had been dismissed:

“Saying goodbye is never easy, however at this time I will be leaving ICS as of Tuesday February 1, 2022. It has been a pleasure to work with the staff and the students ICS on a daily basis. I wish them all of the best, Richard Seigel”

An official reply from the school administration followed, accepting the resignation and announcing that Carol Gardner, a long-time teacher at the school, will serve as interim principal of the school. Other members of the staff who have decades of experience at ICS will be taking on some additional support duties.

We spoke to Father James Hartwell, ICS Parish Priest, who wanted to make it very clear to the community:

“We are not closing, Immaculate Conception is in very good hands with experienced and professional teachers and support staff. The school will be working with the diocese and begin the process off searching for a new principal.”

“Father Jim,” and the school board members penned the letter which was sent to the ICS community shortly after Seigel announced his resignation:

“There will be no disruptions to the school activities due to this resignation.  The ICS Board and Fr. Jim have complete confidence in the ICS teachers and staff to absorb the responsibilities and operate seamlessly during this transition.   Please rest assured that this school will remain steadfast in the continued education of the students.    

We have diocesan support and counsel during this change, including Dr. Tim Uhl, Secretary of Education/Superintendent, Diocese of Buffalo. The board will remain vigilant and transparent in our process. We will update you accordingly as we proceed with selecting a new permanent principal for our school.   

As a cornerstone of this community and, as a leader in education, we will continue to call upon our faith to guide us through this transition.    

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or contact us during this transition. 

Thank you for your support, faith, and prayers, 

Fr. Jim Hartwell & ICS Board of Directors  

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