Introducing Steve Harrison, photojournalist joins the Wellsville Sun !
The Wellsville Sun has been partnering with local photographers to showcase their work, from sporting events to nature since day one. You have seen the work of Melanie Hunt and John Kucko on the website and now Steve Harrison will join us, delivering photos from sporting events across the Southern Tier.
Steve has been working with John Anderson for many years, and religiously shoots St. Bonaventure basketball and a lot of high school games in Steuben, Livingston and Allegany Counties. After a quick discussion seated the “big booth,” in the Texas Hot, Harrison agreed to partner with the Wellsville Sun and then immediately got to work. Enjoy this gallery from the exciting game last night in Wellsville:
Our photo galleries will be made possible through our sponsors and we welcome any photographers in the Wellsville area, Southern Tier and Western New York to join us as we start expanding our reach to deliver breathtaking photos and journalism.