News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Legislator Steven Havey: My Two Cents on Covid-19 in Allegany County


By Steven Havey

As many of you did, I just finished watching the Allegany County Press Conference on the COVID crisis here in Allegany County.  I already knew much of the information presented, but this broadcast brought all the different facets of this problem into sharp focus. 

We are in a deadly situation that will claim more lives before it is controlled.  You have heard this before, and I don’t want to “pile on” but for this to be controlled we all must be on the team.  Does that mean difficult training?  Does it require the ability to run a football or score a homerun? Nope.  Just get vaccinated and wear a mask in public buildings.  How tough is that?  It is a scientific fact that both those actions are effective against COVID yet some will not help control this disease.  I don’t understand why not. 

Do it for the people you love.  Do it for the neighbor that you don’t like.  Everybody deserves to live.  We all are the key.  Get vaccinated and mask-up.  I am asking this of my friends, neighbors and my constituents in Andover and Wellsville.  Let’s all get on the team.

Steven Havey

Allegany County Legislator

District 4

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Video: Allegany County Covid-19 news conference today sounds alarm: Get vaccinated, mask up, or face community trauma

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