News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

A vote to ‘opt-out’ works against Republican party principles


From Dr. Angela Graves, 10/26/21

As a member of the Town of Wellsville planning board, I was vocal in my opposition to opting out of granting retail and consumption licenses for cannabis at our September meeting.

I am only speaking as a private citizen on this occasion, but would like to share my bewilderment over the fact that the village is considering taking action to impose additional regulation on the free market and personal choice in the context of legal recreational marijuana. My political views do not always align with the majority of local residents, but I have respect for this area’s strong Republican commitment to keeping government restrained, especially in pushing back against Albany’s broad reach across New York’s local communities.

It seems to me that the desire to opt out is based primarily on unfounded fears and myths surrounding recreational cannabis use, but I will save that aspect of this debate for other commenters.

It is my opinion that policy should be based on practical, not emotional considerations. Taking no action to opt out is a clear, rational choice, as it maintains our village and town’s commitment to limited government as well as economic and personal freedom without undue regulation. 

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Linda K. Orpet, 76, Wellsville

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