From the Golden Crone, 10/11/21
Is it just me, or was last week Intense? JK, I communicate with hundreds of people every week. It wasn’t just me. Humans are feeling the squeeze.
As the Dude says “New stuff has come to light.” Except, it isn’t new, is it? It’s the same stuff you thought you figured out months ago suffocating you with it’s in your face problems. Great. ‘Cause we all have time for that.
I know. I set goals daily. Currently if I achieve 10% I call it a win. It is important to stay positive and kind. Shake hands with your demons and allow them to haunt the next poor soul. Your environment might stay really difficult for a little while. Please frame your responses lovingly and keep in mind that we all affect one another.
If you are in crisis call for help. If you just need a friendly ear and insightful feedback message me @
Please, don’t suffer in silence.