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Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Outstanding Service Organizations present two Monday Club Programs


From the Monday Club, 10/5/21

The Allegany County Association for the Blind and Visually Handicapped presented a program led by Kitty Kirsh for the Monday Club of Wellsville on September 27th. In addition to explaining the broad range of services available, many of the helpful devices were on display and demonstrated. There were lighted magnifiers, enhanced readers, talking books, and equipment to aid typical home activities.

The office, at 26 Jefferson St., is open from 9 to 1:00 Tuesday through Friday and would welcome anyone with vision problems or questions. The Association receives funding through the County, United Way, the Area Foundation, Lion’s Club, grants and trusts. At the David A. Howe Library is a DaVinci video magnifier which readers may request to use. Anyone with a vision problem is invited to discover the equipment and many resources available through the Blind Association.

This Monday’s meeting, October 4th, was a field trip to the SPCA Serving Allegany County. The organization formed at the Cuba Opera House, began its rescue work 110 years ago. From the 1980’s and 90’s the organization shelter was located south of Wellsville, in space a fraction the size of the new state-of-the-art building now open just north of Belmont. It took great generosity, donations, bequests, wills, grants, community gifts and fund-raising to enable the construction. Far more adoptions of all animals are taking place because of the clean, welcoming atmosphere. Animal health and comfort are foremost in the design. Spay/neuter and Trap-Neuter-Release programs are available. Outreach through social media is generating adoptions from a much wider area, even out of state.

While there is a veterinarian from Buffalo who provides professional services, there is a constant need for Vet Tech personnel. The director praised the nine-year partnership with Alfred State for assisting with medical care, and suggested it is an excellent career opportunity. Members toured the building, visiting both cat and dog wings, seeing how animals are housed.

A very important annual fund-raising event is the Basket Auction, scheduled for October 15 (3-9 p.m.) and 16, (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) at the former K-Mart Building in Wellsville. Over the years, many thousands of dollars have been raised through this event. The auction, like so much of the work of the SPCA, requires countless hours of volunteer work. There is a constant need for help, and any amount of time is appreciated, One volunteer was quietly noted to have been helping for 38 years!

The Monday Club will not meet next week because of the Columbus Day library closure.

Read our recent article about how The Monday Club saved the David A Howe Library:

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